Sunday, September 19, 2010

Our October 7th event with special guest Jay Webber

                          You are cordially invited to join                              
Scott Gallopo
Republican Candidate for Montville Township Committee

and special guest
Assemblyman Jay Webber
Chairman, NJ Republican State Committee

Thursday, October 7, 2010

6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

Suppa’s Restaurant

17 Old Bloomfield Avenue Pine Brook, NJ 07058

Hors d'oeuvres, carving stations and drinks

$75 per person

Paid for by the Committee to Elect Scott Gallopo   9 Nelson Lane, Montville NJ 07045

Monday, September 13, 2010

The right view, but there's something else to consider - the BOE and TC working relationship

What was considered a well intentioned, carefully worded public plea for review of an unpopular and controversial policy has now resulted in unintended negative consequences for the BOE and the ongoing effort to promote a good working relationship between the TC and the BOE. My views on the issues remain unchanged as a parent of a 6th grader and as a taxpayer, as a candidate I also have to strive for a better working relationship between the TC and the BOE.  No relationship results in no influence.

There is a clear line between the business of the BOE and the business of the Township Committee.  When the two intersect on an issue that falls under the domain of both governing bodies, both groups have the right and obligation to voice their views in the appropriate forum.  This is the structure of our local government, and there is a clear separation of powers and responsibilities understood by all the elected officials.  This is not to say that the Township Committee has no right to raise issue with BOE policies, or that they have no recourse to do so - the joint TC/BOE meetings is the venue for all the elected officials and candidates to speak their mind when addressing such matters.  This is the best way to promote robust debate between the two bodies and to maintain a good working relationship in the process.  

I suppose the best way to crystallize the message of this blog post is to use this analogy - A letter to the editor printed in the newspaper asking for a review of the Township's Water and Sewer fee policy penned by and signed by Karen Cortenlino and Jon Alin, Board of Ed members would be inappropriate for the same reasons.  Jon and Karen have the right to pen that view as residents, but not as BOE board members.

Ignorance on my part is no excuse, and a phone rather than a pen would have been the better choice.  As I mentioned earlier in this post, my views as a resident and parent of a 6th grader on the issue remain unchanged.  Expressing those views in a public forum as a candidate for Township Committee was inappropriate. A strong working relationship between the Township Committee and the Board of Education based on trust and respect is critical, and serves the taxpayer, parent and children's best interests.  Voicing my views as a candidate on the activity fee policy at a BOE meeting, or via email or phone call to BOE members would have been the wiser and more appropriate choice.